Day of purchase membership packages can begin at any point throughout the year and will expire after the term length which you set when creating the package, has come to an end. This guide takes you through how to renew these membership packages.
Members who start from the day of purchase packages will receive an automatic renewal reminder email one week before their membership is due to expire. If payment hasn't been recorded against the member's record (either manually by the administrator or automatically via the online payment system) then they will receive another renewal email reminder on the day their membership has expired.
The email contains information about the package and a link to renew. When creating the package, you have the option to turn off the automatic renewal reminder which is done at the point of setting up the point of purchase package in the 'Renewals' section of the membership package settings.
You can also send additional renewal reminders from within the admin area. To do this, go into the membership package, click into the "Lapsed" tab and select the members you would like to send the reminder to, using the check boxes next to their name. You can select everyone in the list by selecting the check box next to the first name column.
Click on icon above the 'First Name' heading.
The following email overlay will appear:
You can change the subject line and add any additional information you require. The selected members will receive an email similar to what is written below.
If they have already registered with your venue, they will need to use the same account to 'Sign in'. If your member has not yet registered, they can set up an account by clicking on the 'Register' link.
Once logged in, they can click on the 'Renew now' button.
And select the preferred payment method.
Once they confirm the payment, you will be notified by email. If they have chosen to pay online, all their information will be updated automatically but with cash, cheque and other payments, you will need to update their details once your have received the payment.
You will now find the member showing in the "Paid" tab of the package.