Use the USTA Find a Coach page to search and connect with local providers. Follow the instructions below to get started.
How to Search for a Coach
Visit and Access the Coach Search.
- On hover over Play and click Find a Coach.
Search for a coach.
You can search for a coach by zip code, city, or state.
- There are additional filters you can sort by such as distance, skill set, experience, specialties, and gender.
- Once you've found a coach, you can click on their profile to learn more about them.
You can search for a coach by zip code, city, or state.
Connecting with a Coach
Once you've found a coach who you would like to connect with, access their profile from the coach search and follow the steps below.
Connect with the coach.
- Access the desired coach's profile and click GET IN TOUCH.
Sign in to your USTA Account.
- Choose one of the sign-in options, input your credentials, and sign in.
- If you need help with signing in, please refer to the USTA Account Troubleshooting Tips.
Fill out and submit the email form.
- Fill out the form with your details and a message to the coach.
Check the confirmation box and click SEND.
- Your email will be sent to the desired coach along with your name and email address that you provided.