If you have received a cash payment for a tennis lesson then you will need to record this in Serve Tennis.
Within your Programming module, select 'Lessons' in the top right corner of your screen. The following, will be a list of Lesson Categories that you have created, select the relevant category which will then give you a listing of your tennis lessons. Select the correct lesson that you wish to record a payment against:
The following screen will be a list of your participants, select the correct participant, this will open the player information:
Select 'Edit payment'. You can now enter the amount the participant paid and also select the payment method from the drop-down menu and select 'Save'.
Their payment status will now appear as 'Paid':
The participant will now also appear under the 'Paid' heading within the participant listing:
To navigate within the Programming module you can use the breadcrumb:
By selecting 'Lessons' this will take you back to your category listing, 'RR' represents the lessons code that was entered at the time of creating the lesson defaults and Fri Jan 31 is the date of the lesson currently being viewed.