About USTA League
With more than 320,000 tennis players taking part each year, USTA League is the country's largest adult competitive tennis league. It's a great way to stay active, improve your tennis game, and even have the chance to compete for a National Championship.
The NTRP Rating System
The National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) is a classification system that identifies tennis-playing ability, from 1.5 (beginner) through 7.0 (touring pro). Generally, USTA League offers programs for the 2.5 through 5.0 levels.
League NTRP Self Rate on Mobile Device
Appeal League NTRP Rating on Mobile Device
USTA League National Championships
Each USTA League season culminates with the annual USTA League National Championships, where representatives from all 17 sections compete in 16 League national championship events. The events range from 2.5 to 5.0 on the NTRP scale and feature play in the 18 & Over, 40 & Over, 55 & Over and Mixed categories.
For information regarding schedule, registration link, championship handbook:
USTA National Championships
If a player experiences an issue with registration, please escalate to leaguenationals@usta.com via side conversation.
USTA League Resources
For more resources, visit the TennisLink help center or click here for league regulations, forms, and grievances.
Quick Links
Withdraw/Refund For League Team