Q. Why did the USTA change the Ranking and Tournament Level System?
Please click this link to read why and how some of these decisions were made.
Q. How is the National Standings list calculated?
National Standings Lists are calculated based on a player’s best four results in the division played.
Q. How are ranking points assigned to a wheelchair player?
Wheelchair players who play USTA Sanctioned tournaments are assigned ranking points.
Q. Where can I find my tournament record?
Players can now view a limited version of their individual Player Profiles to see how recent results are impacting their ranking. In this limited version of the Player Profile, only events in which a player earned ranking points are shown.
Q. What results are shown on the Player Profile?
The results are inclusive of events held over the past 52 weeks. Only events in which a player earned ranking points are shown.
Q. What do the Points Table abbreviations stand for on the Results tab of the Player Profile?
RR - Round Roubin | FIC-SF - Feed in Championships through Semi-final (uses FIC-QF L1-5 and PPW L6&7) |
COMP - Compass | PPW - Points Per Win |
SE - Single Elimination | CC - Curtis Consolation |
MFC - Modified Feed in Consolation | FMLC - First Match Loser Consolation (uses points per win) |
FIC-16 - Feed in Championship through Round 16 | TEAM - Team Tournament |
FIC-QF - Feed in Championships through Quarterfinal |
Q. Where can I see the points tables used to calculate my ranking points?
The points tables can be found here.
Q. Why don't I see any results on the Player Profile?
Please note that only Wheelchair tournament results are currently available in the Player Profile. Players who have not played a Wheelchair tournament in the past 52 weeks will see "No Results."
If you believe you should have Wheelchair tournament results and do not see any, or if you believe the results shown are incomplete or incorrect, please email wheelchairtournaments@usta.com with your information and a description of the issue.
Q. What should I do if I think my points are incorrect?
If you believe that there is an issue with your ranking, or see any abnormalities, please do not contact your Section. Please email wheelchairtournaments@usta.com - a member of the ranking team will get back to you within three business days.
Q. How do I filter out my Section National Standings?
All standing and ranking lists are now ONE National Standing List. To find your placement on a Section list, the National list can be filtered by Section/District by using the drop-down menu. The system will return a list of players based on your filter selections in accordance with rank.
Q. When is the next publication of the National Standings Lists scheduled for?
The National Standings Lists will be published on a monthly basis, with publication occurring at the beginning of each month. Please continue to check this page for updates.
Q. Where can I find more information about the National Wheelchair Ranking System?
Please click here to find out the rules and regulations for wheelchair tournaments. Below is a list of the different topic areas included.
- Why These Changes are Occurring
- Things You Need to Know
- Watch a Video on the 2021 Wheelchair Tournament Structure
- Comparing the 2021 Tournament Levels (PDF Download)
- 2021 USTA Wheelchair Tournaments Ranking System and Eligibility List (PDF Download)
- View the Eligibility List (PDF)
- 2021 Wheelchair Tournament Regulations