Tournament Directors and Referees will be able to have qualifying draws that feed into main draws.
Note: To use the Qualifying Draws feature, this needs to be enabled prior to you launching tournament desk by your Section Staff within what we call Level Configuration. If you don't see the options to enable the qualifying draws as below, you will need to reach out to your section staff.
Please see the sections for more information:
- Steps to Enable the Qualifying Draw and Add Participants
- To Create the Qualifier Draw
- How the qualifying players list and draw is displayed to the public
How to Delete Separate Structures (Qualifier or Main)
Ranking information: Qualifying Draws are not included in Rankings, however, the matches will be included in WTN results.
Steps to Enable the Qualifying Draw and Add Participants
Note: To use the Qualifying Draws feature, this needs to be enabled prior to you launching tournament desk by your Section Staff within what we call Level Configuration.
1. Within Tournament Desk , select Events Tab and select the event you wish to enable the qualifying draws.
2. Click the Manage Draws drop down and select Enable Qualifying
3. You can then add the players from either the alternates or main draw into the qualifiers. To do this click on the check box next to the players name. You can do this in BULK (by clicking the box marked in red) or individually.
When selected - click on Move to qualifiers.
This will then move the players out of Selected and Alternates and into Qualifying Players. Players will receive email notification when they are added to the qualifying draw.
To Create the Qualifier Draw
1. Click on Draw tab and select Make Draw
2. Select a Draw drop down and select Qualifying Draw. Enter in the name, number of qualifiers, score format and then Make Draw.
- All qualifiers will be single elimination draws.
- You will see the draw in the drop down under MAIN / QUALIFYING.
You can now schedule the draw as you would usually : Scheduling Matches in Tournament Desk Overview
To publish the draw to the public page - click on Draw Options and +Publish Draw. Create & Publish A Draw
How to Delete Separate Structures
Tournament Directors have the ability to delete draw structures separately (e.g., Qualifying draw, Main draw) Applies to tournaments with Qualifying Draws and Voluntary Consolation Draws.
- To delete one of the structures, Click the Draw Options drop-down on the right.
- Click Reset Qualifying Draw or Reset Main Draw. This will only delete one structure.
How the qualifying players list and draw is displayed to the public
For Qualifying draws, you can publish draws separately or at once:
- Click Draw Options
- Manage Draw Publishing
- Tick the draws you would like published
The players list will show on under the acceptance list. You will be able to view the Qualifiers list in-between the Main Draw and Alternates as below:
Once the draws are published:
You will see the tournament in the overview. Select the event and you will see the Draw Stage : Qualifying