Take a look at what's new with Tournaments!
Choose from the links below to learn about the tournament features added in a specific release. Then to learn more about a feature, click the link below each description.
You can also attend a Tournament webinar for a demo. Click here for the schedule.
Release on January 21, 2025
Tournament Desk | Safe Play Notifications
A Notification Center was developed within Tournament Desk which will alert Tournament Directors and referees of Safe Play expiry.
How to Renew Your Safe Play Approval
Tournament Desk | Qualifying Draws
Tournament Directors can automatically assign Qualifying winners to the main draw.
Tournament Desk | Tournament Groups
Players can register for Multiple Locations but can only be accepted into one Main Draw
Tournament Registration| NTRP
Adult NTRP registration will prevent 17 year olds and younger from registering for Adult NTRP
High Schools | Serve Control | Add School
State administrators can add a school to the database if the school is not found.
High Schools | Serve Control | Teams
High Schools State Staff can filter be City and state when adding a Team to a Conference in Serve Control
Conference Structure Creation (Area/Sub-Area)
Release on December 3, 2024
Tournament Desk | Delete Separate Structures
For Qualifying and Voluntary Consolation tournaments, Tournament Directors have the ability to delete draw structures separately (e.g Main draw, Qualifying draw)
Serve Control | Level Configuration Tournament Messaging
Tournament Messaging can now be added by Section/district staff to display across all tournaments within that level.
Tournament Messaging by Section/District Staff
Public| Overview Page
Tournament participants and administrators will be able to view all linked tournament locations on the overview page
Serve Control | Tournaments
Serve Control tournaments CSV download now includes a "Last Name" column to the process for administrators to search and locate the appropriate Tournament Director.
Tournaments| Stripe Checkout
The USTA platform has been updated with a new Stripe Checkout version.
Release on November 5,2024
Tournament Desk | Publish Draws
Tournament Directors now have the flexibility to publish draws independently for Main Draw, Qualifying Draws, and Voluntary Consolation Draws.
Tournament Desk | Potential Conflicts
Scheduled and non-scheduled potential conflicts will display in the Conflict Report in Tournament Desk.
How to Use Conflict Reports in Tournament Desk
Tournaments| Linked Facilities
USTA Customer Care will oversee the creation of new facilities. Tournament Directors and Program admins can search our database of over 65,000 facilities and add a facility to programs and tournaments. If they are unable to locate the desired facility, they can submit a facility request form.
Release on October 8, 2024
Tournament Desk | Auto-scheduler
Tournament Directors have the ability to define the scheduling period time intervals beyond the existing 30 minute interval available for auto-scheduling. Additional options include 5 minute, 10 minute, 15 minute and 20 minute intervals allowing for greater customization over the tournament schedule.
Auto-Scheduling for Tournaments
Order of events within Tournament Desk and Serve Tennis
Events are now ordered by gender and age to allow for easy location of events within the tournament.
High Schools| Teams
Team Coordinators have the ability to enter a score for a dual match that is part of a tournament.
High School - Score Entry and Match Collections
Release on September 12, 2024
Public | Draw
Ability to display draws embedded into a website at the specified URL.
High Schools| Teams
Tournament matches will be automatically added to Teams schedule, if turned on in Serve Control. Tournament Directors have the ability to define the scheduling period time intervals beyond the existing 30 minute interval available for auto-scheduling. Additional options include 5 minute, 10 minute, 15 minute and 20 minute intervals allowing for greats customization over the tournament schedule.
High Schools| Teams
Team Schedules will display the related conference.
Release on July 30, 2024
Tournament Desk | Player Profile
Ability to edit and add emails and phone numbers to Player's Profile in Tournament Desk. Note updates are only for the particular tournament updated and will not update USTA profile.
Player Profile in Tournament Desk
Tournament Desk | High Schools
When non-logged-in users visit either the Teams or Public tournaments site, they will be prompted to learn more about the Safe Sport training courses.
Release on July 2, 2024
Serve Tennis | Tournaments | Custom Form for Tournaments
Ability to download answers to custom forms feature added in the last release.
Custom Forms Programing and Tournaments
Serve Tennis | Tournaments | Rankings
International players are allowed to compete in Junior Level 5 Open, Level 6, and Level 7 tournaments. International players that have ranking points will appear on the ranking lists.
Release on June 4, 2024
Serve Tennis | Tournaments | Custom Form for Tournaments
Ability to create custom forms to collect customized information from participants at Tournament Registration.
*Please note that submitted answers will not be viewable until R231 (July release)
Serve Control | Suspensions
In Serve Control, Section and District administrators will now be able to view a list of all players with violation points, regardless of section or district affiliation. They can also filter the list by section or district. Per the competition committee ruling, Section staff will no longer be able to have access to the ‘Suspend player’ action in the active violations page in Serve Control. Only National and Global Admin will have access to action a suspension.
Player Suspensions in Serve Control
Serve Control, Serve Tennis, Tournament Desk | WTN rating
In Serve Control, Serve Tennis, and Tournament Desk, players' WTN ratings will now be displayed with two decimal points. This two-decimal-point format will also be reflected in the High School & Tennis On Campus platforms.
WTN Confidence Level Breakdown
Release on May 9, 2024
Stripe Payment Account Identity Verification
Enhanced security measures by implements additional identity verification when creating/linking a payment account with Stripe to mitigate potential breaches.
Connecting To Stripe Express for Serve Tennis
Release on April 8, 2024
Tournament Desk| Adding a player via Tournament Desk
Tournament Directors will now be able to add players to a tournament right from Tournament Desk.
Manually Adding a Player to a Tournament
Release on December 12, 2023
Serve Control/Tournament Desk- Age Group Eligibility, Set Default Gender / Age Division
Tournament Desk will verify age and gender rules for Team Events if enabled. Admins will be able to control the validated in Tournament Desk with a toggle ‘Enforce age scorecard rules’. Serve Control admin will be able to create a scorecard template with defaults for age and gender exactly how it is going to appear in tournament desk.
Team Scorecard Templates-Creation in Serve-Control
Serve Tennis| Player Selection | Display Suspended/Withdrawal Request Status\
Tournament Director will see a warning icon next to the player name in Player selections if there are suspended players or a requests for withdrawal.
Tournament Director-Player Selections
Tournament Desk| Display Suspended/Withdrawal Request Status
If a player was suspended or is requesting to be withdrawn after player selections, the Tournament Director will see an icon next to the player name in the Tournament Desk’s Participants table, displaying a suspension/ withdrawal request, in addition to a banner displayed on the Participants tab.
Suspension Points in Tournaments
Serve Tennis\Serve Control- Adult Tournaments
Ability for Tournament Directors to create adult tournament age divisions 40+ and 55+ NTRP 5.0 . Additionally, they can submit applications for NTRP 5.5 18+ players.
Ability for Tournament Directors to create adult tournament age divisions for 95+ and 100+ players.
Release on October 31, 2023
Tournament Desk | Team Scorecard-Add Gender and age
"Assign player" modal will show name, gender, age, and team.
Tournament Desk | Scorecard- Assign Player Action
‘Assign player’ in a team tournament will not present ‘confirm’ button to save Tournament Directors an additional click.
Tournament Desk | Scorecard | Ability to clear all names
Tournament Directors will be able to clear all names from the scorecard and reset the scorecard for a new game or match.
Learn More: Team Tournament Score Entry and Scorecard Management
Serve Control | Ability to turn on and off 'Enforce Scorecard rules-gender'
USTA admin staff will be able to turn on and off scorecards gender validation.
Learn More: Team Scorecard Templates Creation in Serve Control
Public Pages | Doubles Partner Status
When a player registering for a tournament and selects the ‘Looking for partner’ option, ‘Looking’ status will display next to the event name where the doubles partner name would be listed
Learn More: Inviting/Accepting a Doubles Partner
Release on October 5, 2023
Tournament Desk | Generate Playoffs for Round Robin
If enabled in Level Config, Tournament Directors can generate custom playoffs after the draw has been generated. In the draw options there is an option to ‘Add payoff’ and Tournament Directors are able to select draw structures set in Level Config.
Learn More: Creating a Round Robin draw in Tournaments
Tournament Desk | Scorecard
'Sync Roster' was removed from Team events which are not dual matches.
Public Website | Lock down Draw/ Schedules tabs
To protect draw data, users will be required to login to gain access to draws or schedule tabs.
Release on September 12, 2023
Tournament Desk- Scorecard
Tournament Directors are now able to enter Win Match by Default and are able to Cancel a Match.
Public View- Show Accepted Players Before they are Added to a Team
Ability for users to view a list of accepted players on the public page for team events before the players have been added to a team in Tournament Desk.
Team Tournament Player Selections
Doubles Partner-Requested partner paired notification
A doubles player who has sent an invite to a potential doubles partner will be able to receive a notification letting them know if this player is no longer available.
Inviting/Accepting a Doubles Partner
High Schools
Enhancements have been made for High School Teams. See all High School Articles below
Release on August 14, 2023
Tournament Desk Version 2
In this release, Version 2 will be turned on for all tournament directors. The new version was beta tested at previously sprint allowing tournament directors and is now pushed to all users.
Team Scorecard Templates Creation in Serve Control-
The custom template drop down box will be populated with scorecard templates that have been created by either National, Section of District depending on the level of the tournament.
Team Scorecard Templates Creation in Serve Control
Team Events | Average Team Rankings
For team events, the average rankings of a team in a team event will now be displayed in Tournament Desk within the event, Entries Tab.
Creating Teams and Adding Players to a Team-Team Tournaments
Team Events| Order of finish for ties in Round Robin for TOC , ITT, JTT
This feature enables the Tournament Director to generate RR finishing positions for tied teams based on the standings rules for Junior Team Tennis, TOC and ITT. Tournament Directors will be able to view team winning percentage in the RR table.
Creating A Round Robin Draw in Tournaments
Release on July 13, 2023
Tournament Desk Version 2 BETA Testing- A new and user friendly way to view Tournament Desk has been released as beta. Users can switch between the Tournament Desk Version 2 and existing Tournament Desk. After the following release, only Tournament Desk Version 2 will be used by all users. Tournament Desk Version 2- Beta
PDF Populated Scorecards and Empty Scorecards
- Ability to download a populated version, based on the draw scorecard. The pdf scorecards will include events, round, collection , name, team name and scores
- Ability to print a blank scorecard
Tournament Desk| Player Names- Player names display has been made consistent throughout Tournament Desk as Last name, First name.
Tournament Desk | Edit Individual Scorecards for Team Tournaments-
Tournament Directors will be able to edit & customize any individual scorecard for a team match. Creating a Custom Scorecard for Team Tournaments
Tournament Desk | Schedule Tables- Filters and column for the schedule tab will save the users selections.
Tournament Desk | Draws Wizard- The draw configuration modal has been changed into a full screen modal showing a steps wizard for both individual and team events.
Tournament Desk | Draws Wizard- For Team Events, Step 2 in the draw wizard will prompt Tournament Directors to Create a Scorecard, including selecting a predefined Scorecard Template or Adding a Match Collection. Creating Team Tournament Draws
Public Search - On the public tournament search page, ‘Canceled’ status will display when the tournament has been canceled
Release on June 13, 2023
Serve Control | Cancel tournament feature Tournament Directors will now be able to cancel tournaments by informing an USTA Section Admin. The staff admin will be able to navigate to Serve Control and choose between ‘Cancel tournament in progress’ link and ‘Cancel tournament not started’.
The status of the canceled tournament will be updated in the following places:
- Serve Control Tournaments list
- Serve Control Tournament info page
- Tournament Desk header name of the tournament
- Public Tournament Listing page
- Public Tournament Details page
On the Tournament Details page registrations will be changed to ‘closed’ and registration dates removed. Additionally, an email is generated to all registered participants informing them of the cancellation.
- Learn More: Cancel/Hide Tournaments in Serve Control
- Serve Tennis | Wheelchair | Add Coed 18 & under A and B divisions Tournament Directors will be able to select 18 and Under A & B divisions when submitting an application. Coed 18 & Under A inherited results of Coed 18 & Under division.
- Serve Tennis | Emails | Player selection Email Copy Change | Feefo and Safe Play The team added a copy change to Feefo and Safeplay to the player selection email.
Serve Tennis | Emails | Unregistered Doubles Player Invitation
Ability to send a doubles partner invite to an unregistered player when a player registers for a tournament. The email includes an invitation notification and a link to register for the tournament.
The registered player will receive a notification that the invitation email has been sent and doubles partnership confirmation.
Learn more: Registering for a Tournament
Rankings | Wheelchair Coed 18 & Under A & B divisions for Ranking
Wheelchair Coed 18 & Under A & B division ranking Standing and Year End ( final) lists were created. Only results from the new Wheelchair 18 & Under A & B divisions are included. The previous Coed 18 & Under National Standing List remained as is and was renamed to Coed 18 & Under A divisions. -
PlayTracker| Include 8 and under tournaments for PlayTracker in Serve Control
USTA Admin staff will be able to see 8 and under tournaments for Player Tracker in Serve Control .
- The points summary and points history for PlayTracker include results from 8 and under players along with 10 and 12 and under players.
- Points summary and points history also include results from 8 and under Junior team tennis (tennislink), team challenge and 8 and under Junior Circuit tournaments
Release on May 16, 2023
Team Events - Switch to automatic scoring from scorecard. If a winner or score is manually changed, TDs would be able to switch to automatic scoring from the scorecard. If the button is clicked the score card will automatically recalculate the score based on the scores available on the scorecard and panel would disappear.
- Learn more: Team Tournament Score Entry
- Learn more: Team Tournament Score Entry
Tournaments- Draw Properties are now available in the Round Robin Grid- Tournament Directors are now able to view the draw properties on Round Robin draws, i.e. city/state/ WTN etc.
- Also, you are now able to see Games W-L for individual and team events on the Draws tab of the tournament public web page.
Team Matches - Schedule and Assign Courts -Tournament Directors are able select multiple courts and assign a team match. Additionally they will be able to :
- Add or remove courts currently in use:
- Unassign a match from a court
- Send a SMS including the court number/ name will be sent out of all courts the match is being scheduled on.
- Tournament Desk - enhancements to changing doubles partners once draw is created. User interface has been improved for the Tournament Directors and they can now easily change doubles partners from the Doubles Events -> Entries or the Draws tab. A modal will have the option to select and replace a player from a list of players. If payment is required, a standard modal opens and a payment is processed and the team names update with the new selection.
ITA Summer Circuit - Tournament Directors and USTA Admin will be able to see a ITA Summer Circuit Level in Serve Tennis under Adults category.
Players accounts will be validated before they are able to register for a tournament that requires membership from ITA.
If a membership is expired or does not exist at the time of the registration, a message will display that ‘ITA membership is required to enter the tournament’, and a link will be provided to join or renew online.
- Learn More: ITA Summer Circuit
- Also in this release:
- Data from WTN Match Play will now be displayed on usta.com.
Release on April 13, 2023
Team Events - Ability to manually declare a team winner & abandon individual match Tournament Directors are able to manually change the winner or match status of a team match outcome. They will be able to hover over the score on the match scorecard and see a modal that displays the potential manual result list including team names , declare abandoned match or walkover. Additionally, there will be a button to switch to automatic scoring and recalculate the score based on the scores entered on the scorecard.
- Learn More: Team Tournament Score Entry
Team Event Scorecard | Add age divisions to adults, Junior & Wheelchair Tournament Directors can now see an age division drop down on a Team scorecard. Age division will be a required field.
Learn more: Creating a Custom Scorecard for Team Tournaments
- Serve Control Enhancements
- Level Configuration -Teams score format In Serve Control / Level configuration USTA staff will have the option to choose unique score formats for teams. Additionally, Tournament Directors will be able to choose only from the approved score formats.
- Level Config | Split draw type USTA Admin staff will also be able to select different formats for split draws to be used by Tournament Directors
- Update notification styling for org data and add organization number (UAID) Organization information in Serve Control will include Organization UAID
- Organization information in Serve Control will include Organization UAID
Serve Tennis Enhancements
- Ability to Search for a Player Tournament Directors will be able to search for players when manually adding players to tournaments in Serve Tennis -> Entries tab by Last or First name. The ability to search by section/district is coming in the next sprint.
- As above, Tournament Directors can now search in the payments tab by name.
Rankings Enhancements
- New NTRP Division for Rankings - In order to create accurate NTRP rankings USTA will receive results from the new NTRP divisions included in the calculation and creation of the new NTRP ranking lists.
Release on March 7, 2023
Public | Automatic Draw Updates- Players will now be able to view real time updates on the public draws pages. Player will be able to navigate to the public draws page and without the need for refreshing the page, updates will be made to the page if any of the following change:
- Scores are Entered
- Players are swapped
- Match is completed and players progress to the next round
- Schedule time
Tournament Desk - Emails - Tournament Directors will be able to send emails to parents / players in Tournament Desk from the Participants -> Players tab. The Tournament ID will be included in the subject of the email.
- Learn More: Player Email Communication
Tournament Desk - Draws and Potential Conflicts Feature Tournament Directors will be able to see all potential conflicts (matches) that players have on a day of the specific match.
Tournament Directors will be able to navigate to the draw and clicks on the match menu with a new for 'Potential Conflicts’ item which raises the ‘Potential Conflicts’ full screen modal.-
- Learn More: How to Use Conflict Reports in Tournament Desk
Tournament Desk -Emails sent when Confirmation Player Promoted to Main Draw in Tournament Desk. Players will receive email notification when they are promoted to the main draw.
Tournament Directors will go to Players > Entries tab and move a player into the main draw from either:- Alternates
- Qualifiers
- Withdrawn
An email will be sent to the player / parent confirming that they have been accepted to the main draw.
- Learn More: Swapping Players in the Draw and Qualifying Draws
Tournament Desk - Score Entry Enhancement - Quick options for Tournament Directors to enter score and schedule matches from the draw. After making the draws, Tournament Directors will be able to navigate to the Events -> Draws page and see the following new options:
On the ‘match up' component the ‘Match schedule’ date will be underlined and on click will raise the existing ‘Schedule time’ modal.
If a match has not been scheduled then the text ‘Not scheduled’ will be clickable.
The score will be clickable and will raise the existing ‘Score entry’ modal.
If a match does not have a score the text ‘Enter score’ will be clickable.-
- Learn More: Enter Match Scores On Draws
- Learn More: Enter Match Scores On Draws
Tournament Desk - Save User Settings per Tournament. Ability to save the filters Tournaments Directors select in the following tabs:
- Events-> Entries and Participant -> Players Matches
- TD | Teams | Update Scorecard to Use Matchup Component
- Events-> Entries and Participant -> Players Matches
Tournament Desk - Teams - Update Scorecard to Use Matchup Component. Tournament Directors will see a new full screen modal to enter scores for Team events. The modal will open when a Tournament Director clicks on ‘Enter score’ or the dropdown menu on the draw.
- Learn More: Team Tournament Score Entry
Tournament Desk - Teams - Substitute player Tournament Directors will be able to substitute players on the scorecard. When they click on the players action menu the drop down will have a ‘Swap player’ option.
- Learn More: Creating a Custom Scorecard for Team Tournaments
Tournament Desk - Team - JTT Score Formats added New Score formats were added to support JTT, TOC and WTT tournaments:
- Two tiebreak sets (5-5 all), with 10-point match tiebreak at one set all
- One set to 6 with 9 point tiebreak (up to 5) at 5 games all
Best of 3 short sets with 7 point tiebreak at 3-3
Serve Tennis - Payments - Multiple Payment Request to Player. Ability to send payment requests to multiple players registered in the tournament.
- Learn More: Payment Requests in Tournaments
Serve Tennis - ability to hold free tournaments Tournament Directors will have the ability to flag the event as ‘Free’ eliminating the need for the user to enter credit card info to register. Changes can be made only before the tournament has been approved.
- Learn More: Tournament Application
- Learn More: Tournament Application
Release on January 18, 2023
- Tournament Desk: Draw Properties - Tournament Directors can now display entry status on public draws. With a new checkbox under Adornments labeled ‘Show entry status’: Label: Entry status. There is a Dropdown multiselect box will include the following statuses that can be displayed on the draw:
- Alternate (ALT)
- Lucky loser (LL)
- Special exempt(SE)
- Junior exempt (JE)
- Qualifying (Q)
- Wild Card (WC)
If a player is a seed, both seed and and status will be displayed, and the setting in Tournament Desk is applied to both Tournament Desk and Public View
- Learn More: Create, Publish, Delete Draws
Tournament Desk - Scheduling Tournaments - you can now disable and enable facilities within the schedule tab in Tournament Desk.
- You can also set up court availability - delete and edit court times and name.
- Tournament Desk - Download and Export players data from Tournament Desk, it has previously be available in Serve Tennis, it is now available in Tournament Desk.
Tournaments - Copy Past Tournaments - Tournament Directors are now able to copy a Tournament from a previous year. This will allow TDs to change the date of the Tournament and will be able to use the same configuration that was previously used.
- Learn More: Copy a Tournament Application
Tournaments - Bulk Delete Events - Tournament Directors will now have the ability to delete events in bulk, only if there are no players who registered on the event.
- Learn More: Delete Events in Tournaments
Release on November 22, 2022
Tournament Desk: Entries, Set Player Status: A tournament director or referee will be able to select one or more players in the main draw and/or the qualifying draw and change their status from the following list:
- Direct Acceptance (DA)
- Alternate (ALT)
- Lucky Loser (LL)
- Special Exempt (SE)
- Junior Exempt (JE)
- Qualifying (Q)
- Wild Card (WC)
This feature is not applicable to the alternate and withdrawn lists
After the status has been added it will appear on the event entries page in a sortable new ‘Status’ column - Learn more: Editing Player Status in Tournament Desk
Tournament Desk: Participant Tab Enhancements: Includes the following features:
Add multiple players to a sanctioned event
Add multiple teams to the same event
- Add players to a sanctioned event in bulk
Add multiple players to a sanctioned event
- Serve Tennis -Tournament Application - Individual events - Add 8 & Under checkbox to Age range: Tournament Directors will be able to create 8 and under Junior Circuit and Unsanctioned events.
- Serve Tennis -Player Selection - Last Name, First Name -Serve Tennis player selection tab and the doubles pairing feature has been updated to display players [Last Name then, First Name] to be consistent with Tournament Desk.
Serve Tennis - Wheelchair & Unsanctioned- Team Events Team events will be enabled for wheelchair and unsanctioned level tournaments which will give tournament directors the ability to create wheelchair and unsanctioned team events.
Release on October 20, 2022
Tournament Desk: Qualifying Draws: Tournament Directors and Referees will be able to create qualifying draws that feed into main draws within Serve Tennis. This option will need to be enabled by your section staff.
- Learn more: Qualifying Draws
Seeding: Ability to save group seeding on the manual seeding table - Using manual seeding a tournament director can enter seeds with the same value and manually entered values will propagate to generated draws, except for flighted events.
- Learn More: Create, Publish, Delete Draws and Manual and Automatic Seeding
Round Robin Redesign -Round robin draws have been optimized both for mobile and desktop on the public website. The design has been switched from a grid view to a group listing view. Customers can choose to switch between a standings view and a round view. The Standings view will show:
- Number of matches played
- Match Win-Loss record
- Set Win-Loss
- Game Win-Loss
Enable Draw Properties for round robin -Tournament directors and referees can now apply draw properties to round-robin draws. This gives them the ability to show:
- Additional player information
Match day information
- Learn more: Create, Publish, Delete Draws
- Level Configuration Syncing Improvements - USTA staff with Serve Control access will now be able to make changes in level configuration and the changes will be made to Tournament Desk as well. It will no longer matter if Tournament Desk is launched or not.
WTN Play Events| Enforce play tracker ball color validation - Ability to enforce ball color based on division and applying age checks based on the band TD selected for the tournament.
- Learn more: Creating a WTN Play Tournament
Events | Change score format for multiple events - In case of a need to change a score format in bulk (i.e rain delay) TD will be able to edit formats across multiple events and also across all stages on the draw, i.e. in compass draw, it can update, EAST , WEST, NORTH WEST etc. Please note, this feature is not yet available in team events.
- Learn more: Score Formats in Tournaments
New score formats added to level configuration
- Two out of three no advantage short sets to 6 with 7-point tiebreak at 5 games all - SET3-S:6/TB7@5
- Best of 5 sets in the 5th set, 10 point match tiebreak at 6-6 - SET5-S:6-F:6/TB10
Renaming of the following format:
- “Timed 20 minute match - game based” to “Timed match - game based”
Referee Invitations Enhancements - Many enhancements were made to the referee assignment process. Improvements include:
- Referees will now be able to decline invitations directly from a new referee invitation management page. Previously they had to decline invitations by contacting the tournament director offline.
This feature also includes the deployment of multiple notification emails:- TD Invited Referee Notification to Referee
- Referee Acceptance Notification to TD
- Referee Decline Notification to TD
- TD removed Referee Notification to Referee
- Referees will now be able to decline invitations directly from a new referee invitation management page. Previously they had to decline invitations by contacting the tournament director offline.
Once a Referee accepts the assignment their name and email address will be displayed on the tournament homepage. Referees will also be able to control which email address they want to show on the tournament homepages. This can be different from their USTA login email address.
- Learn more: Tournament Settings (to invite the referee) and Accepting / Declining a Referee Invite and Access to the tournament (for the referee)
- Learn more: Tournament Settings (to invite the referee) and Accepting / Declining a Referee Invite and Access to the tournament (for the referee)
- Order of Play Enhancements- The order of play component has been enhanced to allow tournament directors and referees to share a link to any tab on public site order of play including matches in progress, completed matches and not started matches. This is a great feature to share results with media. Regardless if a TD publishes the order of play component the completed matches tab with results will be displayed on the tournament homepage.
Tech improvements : The following improvements were fixed:
- Scorecards PDF
- Tech | Move PDF import generation to backend service
- iOS | Public Tournament Search| Date period provided while searching tournament get decremented by 1 day after clicking the ‘search’ button in tournament search page
- iOS | Doubles Partner selection is distorted on player’s my Game page when player set with looking partner and also has invited request
- Match Times on the list view not showing up correctly - they now are.
- Split draws - auto seed is now working as it should within the split draws
Release on September 13, 2022
Enhancements for Player movement between Main Draw, Alternates and withdrawals in Tournament Desk.
Tournament Directors and referees will be able to move multiple players between the different panels. TD can navigate to the Event -> Entries tab and will have the following options available in both the multi select and single action menus:
Available Players-
- Move to alternate players
- Withdraw
Alternate Players
- Move to available players
- Withdraw
Withdrawn Players
- Move to available players
- Move to alternate players
- Learn More: Move Players from Alternate List to Selected Participants List and Doubles Team Unpairing and Withdrawing a Player from a Team
Junior Circuit: Viewing PlayTracker Points
Tournament Directors and referees can now view PlayTracker points to help them decide who should be seeded.
Team Events Display
The display of team results has been improved to show the specific matchups on the public website instead of listing generic singles and doubles matches. Players will now see the match lineups with the position of play. -
Manage Draws- ability to delete playoff structures.
Tournament directors and referees will now be able to delete play-off draws if needed.- Learn more: Create, Publish, Delete Draws
Schedules: Add split draw flight names to the matches report, the schedule tab, and the matches tab
Tournament directors and referees will now be able to view and filter by split draw flights in the schedule and matches tab. Match reports will also now have the split draw flight names. The short version will be used for saving space. For example: (Boys 14 & under singles - Flight A → B14U S - Flight A)
- Learn more: View/Print Match Schedule Info Report
Addition of a WTN Timestamp
Showing when WTN was last updated has been added to both the player entries and player selection pages.
Players can access Customer Care Chat widget from Tournament Registration Pages
Players can now take advantage of the USTA customer care chat feature which now resides on the bottom left corner of tournament registration checkout pages.
- Fixed: iOS |iPhone 13| Double Partner selection section was distorted on Player’s My Game when the player is looking for a partner and invite request
Release on August 3, 2022
Restrict the Movement of Players in Consolation Draws in Sanctioned Events
- Consolation movement or players will now be limited to establish alignment with the Junior & Adult Tournament Regulations and Friend at Court for sanctioned events in Tournament Desk.
Learn More: Swapping Players in Consolation Draw
Tournament Desk Enhancements
Clock Scheduling Tool - Tournament Directors will have the ability to type in match time directly or use the clock feature to schedule matches manually on the draw.
- Learn More: Manual Scheduling by Round and Manual Schedule on the Draw
Order of Play for Players View - Tournament Directors now have the ability to publish the order of play on the public website from Tournament Desk.
- Learn more: Order of Play in Tournament Desk-Court schedule
Changes made to Schedule Tab in Tournament Desk to default to the current date. Tournament Desk will now default the schedule tab to the current date and selected facility. It will work as described below:
- Default is the first day of the tournament if the current date is before the first date of the tournament
- Default is the current date if the tournament is in progress
- The last date of the tournament if the tournament is completed
If the Tournament Director changes the date of the tournament and navigates to a different page when they return the date should not be reset to default.
Enhancement to Player Profiles within Tournament Desk - Design and interaction updates to the player's profile, which will now enable Tournament Director to be able to email or phone (depending if how you are viewing the tournament and have call enabled) from Tournament Desk.
- Learn More: Player Profile in Tournament Desk
Public Draw Setting - Show Preview - Public draw display settings will show a preview of how chosen draw settings would display.
Learn More: Create & Publish A Draw
Learn More: Create & Publish A Draw
Clock Scheduling Tool - Tournament Directors will have the ability to type in match time directly or use the clock feature to schedule matches manually on the draw.
WTN PLAY and WTN Seeding/Selection
WTN Play | Enforce Registration restriction website note. A message has been added under the enforce registration restriction toggle to explain to tournament directors that anyone can register for the tournament if the toggle has been turned off regardless of the WTN range or age bands. They are also encouraged to add a note on the tournament website to clarify even if the tournament has a restricted age and WTN range.
Learn More: Creating a WTN Play Tournament
Learn More: Creating a WTN Play Tournament
WTN showing on public draws. From this release the Tournament Director will be able to show the WTN of players on the public draws.
Learn More: Create & Publish A Draw (see the section on Public Draw Settings)
Learn More: Create & Publish A Draw (see the section on Public Draw Settings)
WTN Play | Enforce Registration restriction website note. A message has been added under the enforce registration restriction toggle to explain to tournament directors that anyone can register for the tournament if the toggle has been turned off regardless of the WTN range or age bands. They are also encouraged to add a note on the tournament website to clarify even if the tournament has a restricted age and WTN range.
Team Events Enhancements
Team Events, Team Player Selection - Ability to add a capacity to All Team Events. In Serve Tennis, the ability to select which players enter the main draw or alternate players list in the Team Tournament.
- Learn More: Creating a Team Tournament
- Learn More: Creating a Team Tournament
WTN Team Events - Tournament Directors can view the strength of a team using a team average WTN total. The decision to use average instead of cumulative was decided because of the use case of teams having unequal number of players.
- Learn More: Creating Team Tournament Draws
Team Dual Match Winner Criteria - Tournament directors have the ability to choose different options to calculate collection value (i.e. match won, game, set or allocate one point for more than one match won).
- Learn More: Creating a Custom Scorecard for Team Tournaments
- Team Event - Ability to add tie-breaker match in the event of a tie-break for teams. This tie-breaker match would not be counted towards rankings or ratings.
Team Events, Team Player Selection - Ability to add a capacity to All Team Events. In Serve Tennis, the ability to select which players enter the main draw or alternate players list in the Team Tournament.
Release on June 28, 2022
WTN Play
A new flexible tournament format called WTN Play has been added for tournament directors nationwide. WTN Play gives Tournament Directors the utmost flexibility in running creative level-based play events where they can create customizable divisions where they will have control of the age range and WTN rating range for their divisions and can also control if registration validation rules will be enforced. This format gives tournament directors the tools to create draws with evenly-matched opponents to ensure the best possible experience on court for all players. If you would like to use WTN Play and you don't see the option, please reach out to your section or district to access this new format.
Learn more: Creating a WTN Play Tournament
Learn more: Creating a WTN Play Tournament
A new flexible tournament format called WTN Play has been added for tournament directors nationwide. WTN Play gives Tournament Directors the utmost flexibility in running creative level-based play events where they can create customizable divisions where they will have control of the age range and WTN rating range for their divisions and can also control if registration validation rules will be enforced. This format gives tournament directors the tools to create draws with evenly-matched opponents to ensure the best possible experience on court for all players. If you would like to use WTN Play and you don't see the option, please reach out to your section or district to access this new format.
WTN enhancements in Serve Tennis and Tournament Desk
- Tournament Directors will now be able to pull the latest WTN values for seeding and grouping in the tournament desk in the events tab. They will be able to click on an “Apply update” button and if it's a singles event it will display singles WTN and if it's a doubles event it will display the doubles WTN. Both data points can be hidden or unhidden in the column selector.
- Tournament Directors will now be able to pull the latest WTN values for seeding and grouping in the tournament desk in the events tab. They will be able to click on an “Apply update” button and if it's a singles event it will display singles WTN and if it's a doubles event it will display the doubles WTN. Both data points can be hidden or unhidden in the column selector.
- Learn more: Manual and Automatic Seeding
- Tournament Directors will have the ability to select, seed and group players based on their ITF World Tennis Number (WTN) and confidence level.
If the TD uses WTN for seeding, selection or grouping then the players will be sorted into the following bands:
First all players who have a confidence level >=70% THEN
Players with a confidence level between 40% and 60% THEN
Players with a confidence level between <= 30%
Please note that within the bands the players will be sorted on the back end using the WTN 2 decimal point value. - ITF World Tennis Number (WTN) of players will be complemented with a confidence level color coded check mark in Serve Tennis and their player profile.
- Learn more: Player View: WTN Rating - Confidence Level Check Mark
and Tournament Director view: WTN Confidence Level Breakdown
- Learn more: Player View: WTN Rating - Confidence Level Check Mark
Tournament directors will have the ability to control showing the ITF World Tennis Number (WTN) values on public draws and will be able to view WTNs on the admin draws in the tournament desk. Public draw settings and admin draw settings will have unique logic of what is displayed.
- Learn more: Create & Publish A Draw
- Add WTN to Player Selection Criteria Options
- Tournament Directors will have the ability to select, seed and group players based on their ITF World Tennis Number (WTN) and confidence level.
Voluntary Consolation draw format for Sanctioned Tournaments Draws -The voluntary consolation draws have been updated to be in compliance with FAC regulations* to ensure that only players who have lost in the 1st round, advanced to the second round via a bye or advanced to the third round via double-bye can be added to a voluntary consolation draw. When a VC draw is enabled by your section/district staff in level configuration in Serve Control, there will be a Voluntary consolation option in the draw type. This will need to be enabled prior to player selection is completed. Learn more: Voluntary Consolation Draw
Tournament Search Improvements
- The tournament search was improved so that if users add a space characters in the keyword search section
In order to distinguish between WTN Play events and other tournaments. Customers will be able to filter for WTN Play events in the level filter on the tournament search. They will also be able to see the WTN logo on the search results and tournaments details page for WTN Play Events.
Team Event Enhancements
- The team format Brewer Cup has been removed from the options.
- Learn more: Creating Team Tournament Draws
- When using the WTN for Team Events - the WTN rating associated with the team will be the average WTN for all players in that team.
- The team format Brewer Cup has been removed from the options.
Release on March 3rd, 2022
Public Draw Settings
- You can now set what is seen in the public draws, you can choose if you want additional player information to show below each player name on public draws, i.e. City/State, Team or Country.
Learn more: Create & Publish A Draw
Publish Public Seeds
- When player selections are completed, you can now publish the seeds on the public view. To do this head to the Entries tab on Tournament Desk and when you have completed your seeding, you can choose to publish seeds.
- Learn more: Manual and Automatic Seeding
Release on February 3rd, 2022
Player Selection
- Tournament Directors will now have the ability to have a manual option from the event creation. This will reflect in the player selection screen in Serve Tennis where it will default to Top-Ranking.
Learn more: Player Selection
Tournament Desk/ Draw redesign
- The newly designed draws have been implemented in both the public area and admin areas of tournament desk. We have updated the articles to show the design differences and user experience. However, the previous functionality remains the same. We have added a new article for you to share with players if they are struggling to read the draws.
Learn more: Viewing Tournaments and Draws
Score Entry/Match Status
- Updates have been made to the match status modal for score entry to include 'tournament administration error' in the walkover sub-filter and 'Ret (eligible)' has been removed from the retirement sub-filter per regulations. Details on how to enter walkovers/retirements/defaults are in this article.
Learn more: Enter Walkover/ Retirement / Withdrawn/ Incomplete to score entry in draws in Tournament Desk
Payout Reports (soft launch)
- Tournament Directors can now see and download payout reports as well as the tournament transaction reports. To access the payout reports you will need to change the payout schedule to an automatic payout, so it would be paid out weekly. If you are interested in changing your payout schedule, please reach out to customer care and we will be able to do this for you until this functionality is provided.
- In addition, the following defects were fixed in this release:
- Move Times/rain delay feature when the SMS showing old schedule time is now showing the correct times in SMS
- Fixed the defect of event playoffs generating different views
- Fixed the defect that erased players who advanced from a double walkover after refreshing page
- Ensure match reports and matches tab show matches in the same order.
- Learn more: Transaction Report for Payments-Tournaments
Release on October 14th, 2021
Doubles Registration
- Players will now enter the USTA number of their doubles partner after registering for the tournament. Their partner will have to confirm the pairing by entering the USTA number of the partner. This can be managed through the player’s schedule on USTA.com as well.
- Learn more: Inviting a Doubles Partner/Accepting a Doubles Partner
Advanced Automated Scheduling
- Incorporating the Garman formula, learn how to use this new tool to easily schedules your matches for the best use of your courts.
- Learn more: Auto-scheduling for Tournaments
Match Conflict Report
- Quickly check your automated or manual schedule to see if you have any players scheduled to play with a certain amount of time from their last match. Even reschedule some matches right from the screen.
- Learn more: How to Use Conflict Reports in Tournament Desk
Manually Assign Courts
- From the schedule tab, you can now choose what court you want to put a match on from a dropdown menu along with the ability to drag and drop the match.
Learn more: Order of Play in Tournament Desk-Court schedule
Transaction Reports
- Check out the update to the payments tab for your tournament to view more details and a summary of the transactions for that specific tournament.
- Learn more: Transaction Report for Payments-Tournaments
Release on September 17th, 2021
Accessing Player Profile Information
- Anywhere in Tournament Desk that you see a player’s name, you will now be able to open the player’s profile to view their contact information. Previously this was only available in the player’s tab.
Print All Draws
- From the events tab in Tournament Desk, you can select any or all of the events in your tournament to print on a single pdf. You may also save this PDF to your computer through the print draw feature.
Learn more: Print Tournament Draws
Move Match Times
- Also known as the Rain Delay feature. Within the Tournament Desk schedule tab, you can select any or all of the upcoming matches and click on Move times to move all upcoming matches by a set amount of time.
Learn more: Moving Match Times
Change Stripe Account
- If the Stripe account that you selected for your tournament is no longer the one you wish to receive money in, you can change which Stripe account your tournament is connected to in the Settings tab of the tournament module on Serve Tennis.
- Learn more: Changing the Tournament Settings
Release on August 25th, 2021
Doubles Teams on Player Lists
- A player's doubles partner is listed on your tournament webpages entry and acceptances lists. The player can select their partner during registration or you can pair them together.
- Learn more: Creating Doubles Teams in Serve Tennis
Picking a Doubles Partner
- During registration, if a player's partner has already registered, they can select them as their partner on the Additional Info page.
- Learn more: Registering for a Tournament
Mixed Event Selection & Seeding
- During the selection and seeding process for your mixed events, you can pull in the correct respective ranking list for your adult and junior mixed events.
- Learn more: Manual and Automatic Seeding
Release on July 22nd, 2021
Custom Question
- Add your own questions to player registration. Use this to collect player t-shirt sizes.
- Learn more: Adding a Question to Tournament Registration
- Refunds: Send refunds to players through Serve Tennis in the Payments tab.
Order of Play
- Easily view what matches are on court and which are up next in the Schedule tab.
- Learn more: Order of Play in Tournament Desk-Court schedule
Adult Rankings
- Use NTRP and age group lists to select and seed your adult tournaments.
- Learn more: Tournament Director Player Selection Instructions
Multi-Tournament Management
- Link tournaments together in Tournament Desk to easily enter scores and put matches on court during the events.
- Learn more: Multi-Tournament Management
Tournament Assistants
- You can grant Tournament Desk access to Safe Play approved staff to help manage your tournament.
- Learn more: Tournament Assistants