The USTA has created a free digital platform to support high school tennis programs and coaches. The High School/Teams product serves the high school tennis coaches needs (roster management, scheduling practices, input matches and score entry. Also see USTA website: Tennis in Schools- The High School Coaches Module
Who is able to use the USTA’s High School/Teams product?
Currently, the High School/Teams product is in in use for:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- District Of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Nebraska
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- South Carolina
- Texas
- Tennessee
- Virginia
- Washington
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
If are from one of the above states and you have not received an invitation to join the platform from one of your state’s administrators, please reach out to to get started.
When will other states be able to use the USTA’s High School/Teams product?
As we continue to improve the USTA High School/Teams product from the feedback of the pilot states, we expect to open participation to additional states in time for the Spring 2024 High School Tennis season.
How can I get my State involved when you open it up to more states?
If you’re interested in using the USTA’s High School/Teams product you should reach out to your respective State High School Athletic Association to let them know you’re interested in participating and then email: for more information.
What kind of technical support can you expect when using a newly launched product like this?
The USTA fully supports all the software applications we provide to players, coaches and providers of all types. The High School/Teams product is no different. We ask that you first work with your state administrators, but if the problem is one that can’t be resolved at the state admin level, the USTA’s Help Desk widget is integrated into the product and can be reached for Help Articles, Opening Support Tickets and engaging in Live Chats for resolution.
Does the USTA have a plan to serve up High School tennis to parents with a way to see results, check standings and find upcoming schedules?
YES! As part of the High School/Teams product, the USTA also created a public-facing digital platform for players and parents to easily utilize to track practices, matches and standings. This all will help to facilitate the ability to conduct live scoring for high school tennis matches - score entry will occur right from the court.