Within the social league module, you can add a waiver document for your participants to complete. You can do this for both the league season or event.
First, you have to create the league. Once you have created the league you will be given the option to add details to the webpages:
Additional details on the webpages are available here: Your Leagues Web-Page
To add the waiver, you click on add document.
A pop-up window will appear.
You will then click on upload to open your computer files to find the document you wish to upload. Make sure it is a PDF document. It will then download and save in documents. As above - see sample waiver.
Then click on the document you wish to use and it will become highlighted in blue and click on Choose.
This will then update your waiver. Remember to press save.
Note: It will now be saved in your documents, so if you set up more leagues you can use the same document and won't have to upload it again. You can rename your waiver. See the Rename tab. Although it will say league waiver on the front end regardless of what you name it.
To remove or replace the waiver, you simply click the X and it will be removed.
1. How does my waiver appear for the participants?
When the participant clicks through to join the league when they have submitted their details before they get to the pay page they will have to check the box to confirm they agree to the league waiver. They will be able to click on the League Waiver to read it. It downloads to a word document.
2. How do I know they have agreed to the waiver?
If you have uploaded a waiver then all participants will have to check the box to agree before continuing with the process. That way you know all have agreed to the waiver. You are not able to download the list of those who completed the waiver at present.
If they try and get through without checking the box, a reminder will come up in red. As below:
3. Are we able to have more than one waiver?
At present, no. You are only able to upload one waiver at a time for each league. If you have more the one, then the option is you add the two waivers in the same document.