Before creating a draw in Tournament Desk, Tournament Directors have the ability to manually select/create the seeding or seed automatically. Seeds will not be published on the public tournament page until you publish the seeds.
Note: If a player was suspended or is requesting to be withdrawn after selection, an icon will present next to the player name in the Tournament Desk- Participants tab, as well as a banner will be displayed on the Participants tab alerting the TD.
How To Seed Automatically
Launch Tournament Desk
- Navigate to Tournament Desk by clicking Launch Tournament Desk on the tournament menu.
- Click on the Events tab and select the appropriate event.
Click Seeding on the right and select your auto seed options
- Auto seed by ranking
- Auto seed by NTRP
- Auto seed by WTN
Choose Auto Seed by Ranking, WTN or NTRP and click Continue.
- The pop-up message will display the date the list was last updated for ranking. NTRP only uses the most up to date seeding of a player. (you can not include a previous date). Any existing seed will be overwritten.
- For those players that Self Rate - (S) they will not be included in the auto seed by NTRP. If you want to override this rule we recommend you manual seed.
*NOTE: If seeding by WTN, make sure you are using the most up to date rating by clicking on the WTN "Not Published" or "Updated [Date]" and clicking "Apply Update"
- For Team Events, you can also seed the teams using the ITF World Tennis Number (WTN) as a seeding tool, please note that Tournament Directors will be able to see the strength of a team using a team's average WTN total. The decision to use average instead of cumulative was decided because of the use case of teams having an unequal number of players.
The seeding will now be complete.
- If you need to clear your seeds, click Seeding and click Clear seeds.
How to Seed Manually
Launch Tournament Desk
- Navigate to Tournament Desk by clicking Launch Tournament Desk on the tournament menu.
- Click on the Events tab and select the appropriate event.
View the Seeding Options.
- From the entries tab, click Seeding.
Choose your seeding option.
- For manual seeding choose Manual seeding.
Add the manual seeds
Type in the seeds you would like to assign to a player.
- Note, the seeds do not have to be placed in the order of the players list.
Type in the seeds you would like to assign to a player.
Once complete, select Save manual seeds.
- When creating the draw, remember to enter the number of seeds you want to use.
Publish/ Unpublish Seeds
After seeding is complete, you can now publish the seeds if you would like the seeds to show publicly on the Tournament Website prior to creating the draws. Seeds will then show under the Players List tab prior to draws being created.
Note: you will not have the option to publish the seeds once you create the draw, even if the draw is not published.
- Click Seeding and select Publish Seeding from the drop down.
- The seeds will now show on the tournament website in the Player tab.
- You can Unpublish Seeds if you decide not to show them publicly by clicking Seeding, then selecting Unpublish seeding.
Group Seeding
After automatic/manual seeding is completed, you have the option to group seed in the draw. This is done when creating the draw. Please see this guide: Create and Publish a Draw