In Tournament Desk there are two ways to print draws. You can bulk print draws, printing multiple draws at once or you can choose to print one draw at the time. The steps for each option are listed below.
Please note: Printed draws will not include city and state information. This was removed as a request because the printed draws appeared too cluttered with this information. The city/state/country can be added or removed on the players view in the draw settings - for more information see: Create & Publish A Draw
Please note: Printed draws will not include city and state information. This was removed as a request because the printed draws appeared too cluttered with this information. The city/state/country can be added or removed on the players view in the draw settings - for more information see: Create & Publish A Draw
How to print Draws in Bulk
Launch Tournament Desk
- Navigate to Tournament Desk by clicking Launch Tournament Desk on the tournament menu.
- Click on the Events tab.
Select the draws you want to print.
- Click the boxes next to the events you would like to print the draws for or click the top box to select all events.
- Click Print Draws from the blue box.
Choose your printing option.
- A new tab will open showing the draw sheets and provide regular printing options to choose from in the browser.
- A new tab will open showing the draw sheets and provide regular printing options to choose from in the browser.
How to Print Individual Draws
Launch Tournament Desk
- Navigate to Tournament Desk by clicking Launch Tournament Desk on the tournament menu.
- Click on the Events tab and select the appropriate event.
- Click on the Draw tab.
- Click the Draw Options Menu and select Print draw.
Choose your printing option.
- A new tab will open showing the draw sheets and provide regular printing options to choose from in the browser.