All Player Selections, including doubles, happen in Serve Tennis within the Players tab. Pairing takes place in Tournament Desk.
Players are not charged until they are paired and placed in the draw. This will then initiate the charge and the payment status will update.
Unpaired List
Before you can pair players, all doubles players must be moved to the UNPAIRED List in Serve Tennis.
Step 1: In Serve Tennis, go to the Players tab, then Player Selection.
Step 2: Click on the event.
Step 3: Move all doubles players into the UNPAIRED List.
Step 4: Players that were input in Player Selection in Serve Tennis will be listed under Unselected Players.
- Select Pair next to the players you would like to pair. Those players will then move to the Paired Doubles Teams list on the right.
- Click the X under the paired list to place them back in Unpaired.
Step 5: Once you have paired the teams, click Save Items on the bottom right.
* Display Order for Doubles Pairing: In the Doubles Pairing process, if Smith is the first player that the TD clicks/selects and Jones is the second player chosen by the TD, then the display will be Smith/Jones.
Pairing in Tournament Desk
After selections are finalized, pairing will take place in Tournament Desk.
Step 1: In Tournament Desk, click the Events Tab.
Step 2: Select the event from the list.
Step 3: From the Unpaired Players section, Click Create a Doubles Team.
To Promote a Pair From Alternates to Main Draw
Step 1: Go to Events > Players tab.
Step 2: Scroll to Alternate List, click the three dots next to the pair. Players will be charged when moved from alternates to the main draw.