After creating the draw, you can swap or edit player positions in the main draw prior to the matches starting, please ensure that this is within the rules and regulations. If you are unsure, you can reach out to your section or district staff for further advice.
When making changes to a draw, it's good practice to first unpublish it until all edits are done. To unpublish the draw, click on Draw Options and then Unpublish Draw.
You can swap players before the scores have been entered in both the main and consolation draws.
In this article we give you the steps to complete the following:
- Swap a player position in the draw
Replace player with a bye:
Replace a player with an alternate
Withdraw a player
Replace a Bye with an alternate
Note: When players are promoted to the main draw in tournament desk, An email will be sent to the player / parent confirming that they have been accepted to the main draw.
Step 1: In the Events tab of Tournament Desk, select the event that has the draw you would like to edit from the drop-down.
Step 2: Choose the main draw stage.
Step 3: Click the name of the player in the position you wish to swap and left-click. An overlay will appear with the options shown below.
Step 4: Once you have completed your changes, make sure you click Publish Draw in Draw Options. This will make the draw visible to players.
Swap Player: Choose the player you wish to swap the player with by clicking on the name/line number of the player. Click Swap Player.
Replace with bye: If you click on replace with bye this will move the player to the alternate list. An overlay will appear for you to confirm. Click close if you don't won't to confirm.
Replace with an alternate: This will move the person who is number 1 in the alternate list into this position. If they were brought through from player selection as an alternate they would not have been charged. Moving them to the draw will initiate the charge to the player. An overlay will appear for you to confirm before doing this. Click close if you don't won't to confirm.
Withdraw: When you select this the player will move to the withdrawn list. You can still move them out of withdrawn. They will be replaced with a bye, which you can change later with replacing with an alternate or swapping a player after you complete this step. Click Withdraw to confirm or close to cancel this action.
NOTE: If the player withdrew on the day of the draw, you can now select "Withdrawal" as an option in the Score Entry box. To learn more about this, please read this article: Enter Walkover/ Retirement / Withdrawn/ Incomplete to score entry in draws in Tournament Desk
Replacing a Bye with an alternative: Here you click on the BYE and the option appears to replace with an alternate. The alternate is taken from number 1 in the alternate position. If you do not have any alternates this action is not available.
Assign Seed: When you select this you have the option to assign a custom seed to a player. Please note, if you assign a seed number to a player that exists elsewhere in the draw, you will have two players with the same seed, so the other player will need to have the seed removed or adjusted also.
To move a withdrawn player back to the alternate list or main draw
NOTE: If the Withdrawal Status is input as a score in the Score Entry box, the player will not be moved to the Withdrawn List but instead will stay within the draw.
Step 1: Choose the event from the drop down
Step 2 : Click on Entries tab
Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of the page to Withdrawals.
Step 4: Click Move to and they will move to an alternate list
You can move the positions with the alternates. You can also add players using the steps in these guides:
Adding A Player After Tournament Registration Has Closed
Move Players from Alternate List to Main Draw