Once you have created your Team Challenge, you now create sessions within the event.
Select the Programming module on the left of your screen within the admin area.
Select 'View programs' in the top menu:
Select USTA Team Challenge, this will take you to a list of events created for Team Challenge.
Select the event that you wish to add a session to:
Now select 'Add new session':
The following screen will be where you will need to complete the session details.
You can set the status of the session to either Public, so this will be visible on your site or Hidden, this will not be displayed online.
Facility, you will need to enter the facility where the event is being held, if the details do not appear then you have the option to request new facility
Enter the date, time and duration of the session.
Select a color theme.
Enter the details of the lead coach and also any coaching team members.
Complete the capacity and the cost of the session.
Once saved you can now add participants to the sessions.
If you have created a single event but decide at a later date you would like to create a series then you can do this by selecting your single event and select 'Add new session'.
You can add up to 6 sessions in total.