It is important to make Team Challenge Attendance. This is for your reference but also for the USTA to collect the data on grass roots level tennis.
NOTE: Players will only be awarded points if they have registered with the Serve Tennis account and linked their USTA ID or the Serve Tennis Administrators has added the players using the bulk upload with their USTA ID.
The attendance information numbers will be sent back to the USTA for their data on participation and award play tracker point if appropriate.
PlayTracker points are only awarded to players 10 years and under. Players 11 years and older are automatically moved to yellow ball and will no longer get play tracker points.
More information available here: Player Tracker Information
To mark them as attended
Select the 'Programming' module on our admin menu.
Select 'View programs' on the top menu and now select your 'USTA Team Challenge' program.
The following screen will be a list of active events created for Team Challenge, if you select the event that you wish to update the attendees.
Now select the session:
The following screen will be a list of participants registered for the event, to the right of the entries there is a column for 'Attended'. You can select this box to mark the players as attended.