In the programming and camps options you can chose to validate age. Validating the age is available if you want to only allow those within the age bracket, i.e. 8-9 years old. It is based on their date of birth at the time of the event.
If enabled in the example below - Minimum age 8 and Maximum age 9, it will prevent a 7 year old, due to turn 8 a week later from booking. If you leave it unticked the age range will be shown as a guide but not enforced.
If a parent wanted to book a younger sibling who does not meet the age, you have two options. You can manually add the participant from the admin page or you can turn off the validation age by editing the course.
If a parent wanted to book a younger sibling who does not meet the age, you have two options. You can manually add the participant from the admin page or you can turn off the validation age by editing the course.