Take a look at what's new with Programming!
Choose from the links below to learn about the programming features added in a specific release. Then to learn more about a feature, click the link below each description.
Release Notes:
Release on January 21, 2025
Programming| Move Player
Administrators can move players from one course to another within programming.
Moving a player to another Program
Serve Tennis| Navigation updates
Within Programming, the white bar across the top of the page was removed and links have been moved into a new column to the right of the modules.
Administrator Area of Serve Tennis
Release on December 3, 2024
Programming| Stripe Checkout
A new, enhanced Stripe Checkout system for payment processing has been implemented to improve security and functionality for customers signing up for camps, programs, and events.
Release on November 5, 2024
Programming | Linked Facilities
USTA Customer Care will oversee the creation of new facilities. Tournament Directors and Program admins can search our database of over 65,000 facilities and add a facility to programs and tournaments. If they are unable to locate the desired facility, they can submit a facility request form.
Release on September 12, 2024
Events | Discounts
Discount Codes are now available for Events in additional to Programming/camps. Players will be able to apply codes in the cart when registering.
Discount Codes for Programming, Camps, Court Booking, Events
Access Tennis | Organizations
A Users linked organizations will show link venues and now linked schools on the Access Serve Tennis Page. The links will redirect the user to that venue or school.
Release on July 30, 2024
Membership | Membership Package
Members can be moved from on membership package to another.
Move Member to Another Membership Package
Release on July 2, 2024
Events | Website
Admins can now display their Events on their Serve Tennis Website, Events tab. Players can also view event bookings on their USTA profile.
Programming | Age Validation
Age validation was added to the short course, Recurring sessions and singles sessions for USTA Youth Team league and Adult Red ball programs.
Release on May 9, 2024
Stripe Payment Account Identity Verification
Enhanced security measures by implements additional identity verification when creating/linking a payment account with Stripe to mitigate potential breaches.
Connecting To Stripe Express for Serve Tennis
Programming | Sub-type
Ability to add sub-type in program search & to multi select a program sub type for camps and events which will provide users ability search and to filter by program sub-type: Wheelchair, Para Standing, Blind/Visually Impaired, Cognitive/Developmental Disabilities, Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Searching and Registering for Programs, Camps and Events on USTA.com
Programming | Custom Form| Capacity
For programs with Custom Forms, system will now complete a capacity check prior to sending users to complete the form. For programs without custom form, system will complete a capacity check before Stripe payment information is input.
Release on April 8, 2024
Events Module| Public view live
Events module public view is live to support the National Tennis Month and 'Hit to be fit' day. Additionally, this feature will be available throughout the year for organizations to use and promote their events.
Programming Category| Adult Red Ball
Administrators will be able to create a Red Ball Adult Program
Release on December 12, 2023
My schedule | Court Booking/Programming
Players will now have the ability to see court bookings.
Administrators | Program Register Administrator
New admin role- Programming Register Administrator, which does not give full access to the platform like the rest of the admins. The access is limited to programs where the administrator is listed as a coach, or assistant coach as well as the Serve app.
Programming | Waiting list
Allows users to add themselves to a waitlist on the public site when the programs have zero capacity.
Programming | Edit custom form answers
Allows Admins the ability to edit custom form answers.
Programming | Add player confirmation email
Ability to automatically send a confirmation email to players that have been added via USTA to a program or camp.
Manually Adding a Player to a Program
Release on October 31, 2023
Programming | Camps | Edit multi-weeks
Admins will be able to edit a week's camp and prevent players from booking a certain day of a camp, making it unavailable.
How to Make Camp Sessions Unavailable
Programming | Camps | Duplicate camp
Admins will have the option of duplicating camps and save time with this new feature.
Programming |Public Pages | Program detail Update
Wording on Public page has been updated:
- ‘Note from the coach’ changed to ‘Description’
- ‘Book Now’ changed to ‘Register’
Programming | Court Booking categorization
Options in the drop down are updated so they align with those being used in programming and camps. Admins will see the categories added to the Add or Edit resource modal and will be able to select only one category.
Release on October 5, 2023
Serve Tennis | Add player to a camp
Coaches search existing USTA users to add players to a camp.
Manually Add Remove Participants in Camps
WTN Match Play- New score format available
Match format 2 out of 3 sets (3rd set tiebreak) is now available
Release on August 14, 2023
Court Booking Discounts - Discounts admin and full admins will be able to assign a discount to court bookings.
Learn More Discount Codes in Court Booking
WTN Matchplay - In this release the Serve App has been enhanced to give the ability to create singles or doubles matches including the following:
- Coaches will be able to select & pair players
- Add doubles match to an event
- Review matches
- Generate matches
- Add scores & publish scores
- Edit doubles pairs
- Publish doubles scores to ITF World Tennis Number engine
Camps search page - an enhancement made by adding a link “Back to search” results on the camp detail page.
Release on January 18, 2023
Credits Feature: Admins can issue credits for programming, clinics and court booking, to be used at a later date, meaning they don't need to refund.
- Admins will be able to give credits to players from the participants table for Single Sessions, Short Course, Recurring Sessions and Holiday camps.
- Super Administrator, Administrator or Discounts administrator with access to the Discounts module will be able to access a table that shows details of credits that have been created.
- Query weather credits are available
- Public users will be able to see in their profile a detailed info on credits that they have used.
- users will be able to see all credits available when they log into their venue profile.
- Ability for public users to use their credits to pay for short courses.
- Ability to pay for recurring sessions using credits.
- Users will receive an email with details of the coaching course credit.
Custom Forms: Registration Forms for Programming
Coming out from Beta, custom registration fields will allow admins in the programming module to create miscellaneous registration questions to be answered by customers during registration check out.
Learn More: Custom Forms- Programming
Release on November 22, 2022
Short course default registration times: In order to prevent errors in the registration window, the “Registration opens” and “Registration closes” time fields will default to the following set times:
- The Registration open time would default to 1:00 am
- The Registration close time would default to 11:30 pm
Change Round Robin Category to Match Play: In preparation for the launch of the new WTN Match Play product in the programming module the Round Robin event category will be changed to Match Play and the default logo will be updated to the ITF WTN logo.
Update USTA Programming logos on public search
Updated the logos for ‘Cardio Tennis’, ‘Team Challenge’ and ‘Junior USTA Tennis 101’ on the Programming public website and Serve Tennis Programming page.
Release on August 3, 2022
Programming and Camps Enhancements
ITF World Tennis Number - The ITF World Tennis Number has been turned on in the programming player table and contacts module. Admins are able to view the WTN singles and doubles rating for players that have a WTN rating.
Manually Added Player Notification Email -Admins will have the ability to turn on manually added notifications to players. Once the confirmation toggle is enabled then players who were manually imported into a coaching program will receive an email alerting them that they were added with details of the coaching program.
Learn More: Adding a Player to a Program
Programming Administration Notifications - Prior to this release, all Serve Tennis Administrators, and Programming Administrators would receive emails informing them of new and cancels bookings. From now only the coaches that are listed as the coach in the program/course/camp will receive the program booking notification emails instead of all admins with programming admin role. Learn More: Administrator Email Notification - turn on and off
Camps - Ability to save to PDF (download) and export of the registrants bookings and session details with session key references indicating which sessions were booked.
Learn More: Manually Add/Remove Participants in Camps and Manually Edit Payment Status
Release on June 28, 2002
- Allow players to register after the program start date
- Within short courses, single sessions, and recurring sessions admins can manually add players with a USTA account in bulk using a CSV import feature.
- In the next release, admins will have the ability to turn on notifications to players informing them that they have been manually added to a program.
- For recurring sessions, admins can set the number of weeks to accept registrations to 30. Previously, this was up to 10 weeks in advance.
Release on May 17, 2022
- The ability to search for camps created on Serve Tennis will now be available on USTA.com
- Learn more: Searching and registering for Camps on USTA.com
- Camps admin will receive a confirmation email when a customer books a camp. The confirmation email may include details about the booking such as:
- All sessions booked
- All early drop-off and late pickup sessions booked
Discount Module
- This enhancement allows Providers to create promotional discount products where customers can claim the discount codes. It includes the ability to set usage limits and the ability to view discount code usage reports.
- Learn More: Discount Codes for Programming and Camps
Contacts Module Profile Enhancement
The contacts module has been enhanced with the following:
- Update on the new contact profile designs on the USTA platform to include bookings made by the contact, membership the contact has, and courses.
Ability to see the World Tennis Number (WTN) on the contact profile page as well as in the contact table.
- Learn More: Contacts Module Overview
The contacts module has been enhanced with the following:
Email Module - Safe Play Compliance
- Pursuant to the USTA Safe Play Policy, all e-mails sent from an admin to one or more minor athletes are required to copy either the minor athlete(s)’ parent/guardian or another Safe Play Approved adult (such as the Tournament Referee) on all electronic communications. To ensure compliance, all email and SMS communications sent from the Serve Tennis system to one or more minor athletes will automatically copy an email address that will be monitored by the USTA Safe Play Office.
- Learn More: Serve Tennis Electronic Communications to Minors