When you have finalized the player selection, you will be able to Launch Tournament Desk to create your draws.
Depending on the needs of your tournament you will need to complete the following tasks prior to creating the draw. We have written articles below to assist you.
You have the ability to edit if seeds are visible on the players lists before the draws are created and also on public draws once created you can choose to display the location and/or city state etc.
Planning the Draw
- Manual Seeding
- Create Player Avoidance
- Creating Doubles Teams In Serve Tennis
- Doubles Pairing for a Tournament
- Move Players from Alternate List to Main Draw
Draw Creation
- Creating A Round Robin Draw with Playoff
- Create & Publish A Draw
- Manual and Automatic Seeding
- Split Draws
Editing the Draw
- Print Tournament Draws
- Swapping Players in the Draw
- Swapping/Assigning/Removing A Seed In The Draw
- Multi-tournament Management
Public Draw Display
- Create, Publish, Delete Draws - see section on public draw settings
For match scheduling please see: Scheduling Matches in Tournament Desk Overview