Serve Tennis provides options to filter your player lists by certain criteria, allowing you to quickly communicate to groups of players. In the Players tab you have two options to filter. You can filter by Entries, to show only those players who are Alternates, Selected players, Not selected players, or All entries. You can also filter by Payment Status, to show only those players with the Payment status of Paid, Unpaid, or Not Required. To see what each status indicates, see the Tournament Registration Fees-Payment Status guide.
How to Filter and Email Players by Selection and Payment Status
- Click the Tournament module within the admin area.
- Select the tournament you would like to manage.
- Click 'Players' on the top menu of the tournament
- From the 'Entries' tab, Select All events or choose the appropriate event from the drop down.
- Choose to filter by Payment Status or Entries (Player Selection Status) in the drop down menus.
- This will display all players within the selection made.
- You can also download a list of players based on the group selected as a CSV file. To do this, please refer to the Downloading the Players List guide.
- To email the selected group of players, start by checking the top box next to the First name header to select all players from this group or check the particular players from within this group.
- Click the envelope icon.
- This will email all players with the selected group or from your selected list.
- Click 'show recipients' to verify you're emailing the correct players.
- Draft your email and click 'Send' to email the selected players.
- Check the Send me a copy toggle if you would like to be emailed a copy of the email.
- Additionally, you can view your sent emails by referring to the How to View Sent Email Communications guide.