When making a court booking, users can decide who can view the court booking sheet if they have more than one role i.e. as a member or administrator. This will change the court booking rules applied to the court booking sheet, such as the costs involved or the number of possible bookings. You can change who you view the court booking sheet as from the menu above the 'Today' button.
Users can decide if they would like to view the court booking sheet by date or week.
Viewing the court booking sheet by date will show the availability of all courts at the venue on the chosen day, as shown in the image below.
Clicking the 'Today' button will automatically bring up the schedule of the current day.
Selecting the calendar icon brings up an overlay where users can choose a specific day they would like to view.
You can see previous or future days by clicking the arrows on either side of the 'Today' button.
To view the next week's availability of a court click on the drop down menu in the top right corner of the court booking sheet and you will see the specific court schedule within the week. To view the previous or future week, click the arrow in the top left and right corner of the court booking sheet.