As an Super administrator, administrator or court booking administrator, you can make a recurring court booking on behalf of a guest or a member or as an administrator.
This is useful when you want to bulk close the courts on a regular day for a team social or clinic, or regular maintenance. You can edit the recurring booking or cancel it.
Note: only administrators can make and edit recurring bookings.
To create the recurring court booking :
Step 1: In the admin pages of your Court Booking Sheet click on Add new court booking or go direct from the front pages of the court booking
Step 2: You can choose who you are booking this for - i.e. Book on behalf of a member or guest, or as an administrator. Using the below drop down.
Step 3: Click on the box for the time the court booking will start and court you wish to use, (If you want to book more than one court you can do this later).
Step 4: The Make a court booking overlay will appear. Click on Advanced Options found on the bottom left. .
Step 5: A full page will appear: Here you can choose the category: For some of the categories you will you will also get a choice to add the sub category. If this option comes up - the subcategory will show in the court booking sheet.
Name: You can add a name of the booking - i.e. Ladies A Team Practice
Where: It will automatically pull the court you choose, you can add more than one court by clicking on the box and selecting other courts. You can delete the court by clicking on the X in the box.
Date: This is the date the recurring booking will start. You can set the duration in the time boxes. To make this booking a recurring booking then click the repeat box.
Repeat: If you leave the end date blank it will continue indefinitely.
Frequency: You can choose the court booking to occur once a daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. By clicking weekly or bi-weekly of these will open up the days of the week the recurring court booking should show. For Bi-weekly you can click as many days as you wish.
Contact: This is the main contact - you can leave this blank.
Participants: You can add these if you wish or leave them blank.
To add a description or notes and change the color of the booking click on More Options.
The recurring booking will appear as example below:
You will be able to distinguish a recurring court booking by the circular arrows in the top right.
To read the Description and Admin note if added you can click on the booking to see the information. The contact and participant names are visible when clicked on.
To cancel a recurring booking:
You may want to edit or cancel the recurring booking. You can cancel one day of the booking or the entire recurring court booking.
To cancel the booking for one day or all, find the booking on the court booking sheet on the day you wish to cancel. Click Cancel Booking. This will open a page.
If your court booking is held on more than one court you can choose to cancel all courts or just one.
You can also choose to cancel just the date or All dates.
You will be able to send the main contact a cancelation email. Then click cancel.
To edit the court booking - i.e. change the courts or times for example. Click Edit Booking
Editing the booking will make edits for all the future and past bookings.
If you want to change the recurring booking for all future dates, then change the end date, so the data is held and set up a new recurring booking with the new details.