Players can be bulk added to a tournament event by uploading a CSV containing USTA numbers. This will allow you to add multiple players at once. Bulk uploading players will mean they were manually added, which means there is no credit card associated to that player to charge. If you want to collect payment for the event, you will need to send payment requests to the players after player selections have been completed. For more information, please refer to Payment Requests in Tournaments. To bulk add players follow the steps below:
How to Bulk Upload Players to an Event
- Click the Tournament module within the admin area.
- Select the tournament you would like to add players to.
- From the tournament menu, click Players.
- Select the Event you're adding players to from the drop down menu.
- Click Bulk Add Players.
- Choose the options for the Bulk Upload.
- Upload a CSV containing a list of Players USTA Numbers.
- You can view an example of the the CSV you need to upload in the yellow box. Once your file is ready, click Browse CSV file.
- You can view an example of the the CSV you need to upload in the yellow box. Once your file is ready, click Browse CSV file.
- Check the Has column headers? box if CSV uploaded contains headers.
- Toggle send conformation email to players to make sure players are aware they're being added to the tournament.
- Click Add Players.
- The players will be automatically added to the event.
- Upload a CSV containing a list of Players USTA Numbers.