As a player at a tournament, you will need to view the draws to know when you are due on the court and who is your opponent. The Tournament Director will publish the draws to the website prior to the tournament. You will be able to view the draws from the tournament home page, this is the same page where you completed registration. As the tournament progresses, the tournament desk team will update the scores live throughout the day.
- First head to the tournament homepage and select your tournament: - Next, select the Draws tab and the event you are playing in from the drop-down.
- If it is a round robin draw, it will show in the Group List view. Look for your name on the left and click View Matches or the Plus + if on a mobile device to see the time and location of your scheduled matches.
Desktop View
Mobile Device View
- Scroll down past player stats to Matches. Scheduled matches and locations will be listed.
- If it is a Feed in type draw or Single Elimination it will show the rounds. For optimal viewing, especially on smaller screens, click on the bars/circles on the top of the screen to view the round.
Desktop View
Mobile View
Q: Why am I seeing the message No Draws?
The Tournament Director hasn't published the draws yet. Your Tournament Director should inform you when the draws will be published for viewing.
Q: How do I find my event and know what time I to be at the court?
You should be at the court prior to the start time of the event to avoid time penalties. Times are listed for matches scheduled when you click View Match next to the player's name (on a desktop) or the + sign (on a mobile device).