During the registration process, you have the opportunity to invite another player to be your doubles partner or set yourself as looking for a partner. After you've registered you can also invite a doubles partner via the USTA Schedule Tab from your USTA Player Profile. If you're invited as a partner, you will need to accept it from the email link to create the pairing. Click on one of the links below to learn more.
Invite/find/accept a partner while registering for an event
Invite a doubles partner after registration from your USTA account
Set yourself as looking for a partner after registration
To Invite/Find/Accept Partner While Registering for an event:
- Register for the tournament/event.
Click Find partner.
- Under the Assign Doubles Partners section of the additional info page, click Find partner.
Select how you would like to find a partner.
- Choose from the options in the drop-down.
- Click one of these options for instructions: Search by USTA ID, Choose from Players Looking for a Partner, Set this player as looking for a partner
Search by USTA ID option
Find a partner by searching with their USTA ID number.
- Enter the USTA ID and click FIND A PARTNER.
Send Partner Invite.
- If your partner is not yet registered for the event, click Send Partner Invite.
- The partner will receive an email inviting them to register and be your doubles partner. See Accept a partner invite from email link for an example of the email sent.
- If the partner you invited is already paired with another player, you will receive an error. You can find another partner or reach out to your Tournament Director to change the pairing.
- If you invite a partner who is not eligible for the event, you will receive an error stating that the player is not eligible.
Choose from Players Looking for a Partner
Select from a list of registered players who are also looking for a partner.
Click Find partner.
- This option lists the number of players that are looking for a partner as shown below.
Choose a partner.
- You can search the list by the player's name or USTA number.
- If you choose NOT to select a partner, click on the X.
Confirm your partner.
- Click CHOOSE PARTNER again to confirm your selection.
- The player will receive an email confirmation that you have been paired.
Set this player as looking for a partner
If you don't have a partner and would like to be paired with someone else, you can set yourself as looking for a partner. When people are registering, they will be able to select your name as a partner.
Click Set as 'Looking for a partner'.
- Once you've been selected as a partner, you will receive an email asking you to confirm or decline it.
- The tournament director will also be able to see that you are available to be partnered after registration closes.
Note: If you select the Looking for Partner option - this will be displayed on the players list on the Tournament Webpage with the status - looking for a partner. So others will see this and an can send you an invitation.
How to invite a doubles partner after registration from your USTA account
- Visit USTA.com and click SIGN IN.
Sign in to your USTA Account.
- Choose one of the sign-in options, input your credentials, and sign in.
- If you need help with signing in, please refer to the USTA Account Troubleshooting Tips.
Access the Profile tab.
- Once you are logged in, click on the User Icon on the top right-hand corner.
- Click on Profile from the drop-down menu. This will bring you to the Profile Tab.
Access the Schedules tab.
- From your profile, click on the SCHEDULES tab and UPCOMING.
- Click Manage on the tournament you wish to add your doubles partner to.
View your events.
- Click view to expand the details of your registration.
Find a partner.
- For the doubles event, click Find partner.
Select how you would like to find a partner.
- Choose from the options in the drop-down.
- Click one of these options for instructions: Search by USTA ID option, Choose from Players Looking for a Partner, Set this player as looking for a partner
- Choose from the options in the drop-down.
Set yourself as looking for a partner after registration
- Visit USTA.com and click SIGN IN.
Sign in to your USTA Account.
- Choose one of the sign-in options, input your credentials, and sign in.
- If you need help with signing in, please refer to the USTA Account Troubleshooting Tips.
Access the Profile tab.
- Once you are logged in, click on the User Icon on the top right-hand corner.
- Click on Profile from the drop-down menu. This will bring you to the Profile Tab.
Access the Schedules tab.
- From your profile, click on the SCHEDULES tab and UPCOMING.
- Click Manage on the tournament you wish to add your doubles partner to.
View your events.
- Click view to expand the details of your registration.
Find a partner.
- For the doubles event, click Find partner.
Select how you would like to find a partner.
- Choose from the options in the drop-down.
- Click one of these options for instructions: Search by USTA ID option, Choose from Players Looking for a Partner, Set this player as looking for a partner
- Choose from the options in the drop-down.
You can now accept and reject the doubles pairing invitations only from both the email notification and from your Tournaments Page. The user will be able to see a list of invitations with players names with options to accept or reject invitations. A notification will be sent to the player that sent the invite of the outcome of the decision.
If a player forms a partnership or withdraws from an event and they have pending partnership requests, a notification email is triggered and sent to all the players who have requested to be their partner to let them know the player is no longer available.
Additional Information
Accepting a partner invite for a doubles event from an email link.
If a player has selected you as their doubles partner, you will receive an email notification. From this email, you will have the option to confirm the doubles pairing. To do so, click on the link in the email as shown in the example below. If you do not confirm the doubles pairing, you will remain unpaired. You will also be provided with the email of the partner in case you need to contact them.
You have been invited by another player to be their doubles partner, but you haven't registered yet.
If the partner is registered for the event and has invited you as a partner, you will receive an email notification. Click on the link in the email to complete the registration and payment.
As you complete the registration process, a message will display stating that the player has registered and invited you as a partner. Now you can confirm the pairing, click Accept as a partner and click Save and Continue. The doubles pairing will now be created and both players will receive a confirmation email.
If the partner has already registered for the event but has not invited you as a partner.
Click Chose as a partner and click Save. The partner will go to the Schedule Tab in their USTA account, select MANAGE next to the tournament, and locate the event they registered for.
Under Doubles Partner, they will enter the partner's USTA number, and click Find partner. You will receive a message that states you registered and have invited them. They will need to confirm the pairing by clicking Accept as partner. The doubles pairing will be created and both players will receive a confirmation email.
What if I no longer want to be listed as 'looking for a partner'?
You can cancel this status. Head to your schedule in your USTA account and open the event, click manage, and then view. Next to the event in the Doubles Partner section, click Clear.
A box will appear, click CANCEL STATUS. This will remove you from the list.
What happens to my doubles pairing if I withdraw?
If you withdraw from the event, the doubles pairing will break, but your partner will still be registered.
A doubles player who has sent an invite to a potential doubles partner will receive a notification letting them know if this player is no longer available.
If a player forms a partnership or withdraws from an event and they have pending partnership requests, a notification email is triggered and sent to all the players who have requested to be their partner to let them know the player is no longer available.