If you are accepting offline payment methods such as cash or check then you will need to ensure that you correctly record your membership payments and update their records accordingly.
When a user has signed up to a membership package, you will receive an admin notification (if enabled for membership). You can then view the new contact record from within the admin area.
Their membership status will automatically default to 'Active' and 'Not Paid'.
Once you have received payment from the member you will then need to update their membership record.
Select the membership record to open their details and go to the payments section of the record:
In the payments section, firstly select 'Edit' to the right of the payment record The date will default to the date the member signed up, you can amend this to reflect the date you received payment.
Now select the payment method you received and also enter the amount that they paid and update the status to 'Paid' and now select 'Save'.
The remaining balance will now update to nil and they will appear as 'Active' and 'Paid' in the membership listing.
If they have part paid, then when entering the payment details enter the amount you received and the remaining balance will update to reflect the amount still due to you.
They will now appear under the 'Not Paid' heading and the payment status will show as 'Part Paid':
From this screen you can send them a payment request, by placing a tick in the check box to the left of the contact record and then selecting the more options icon:
Now select 'Payment'. This will send the user a payment reminder.
Once you have received the outstanding balance, you can add this payment to their membership record, by selecting 'Add payment' and complete the payment details as before;
The outstanding balance will now update to show nothing more is due and they will now appear as 'Paid'.