To email your junior members from the Membership module, as the platform will not allow you to email juniors direct you will need to amend the selection from 'Members' to 'Main contacts'.
First navigate to your Membership module on the left hand side of your admin page;
Select the junior membership package you wish to send correspondence too.
You can either place a tick next to the juniors you wish to email or place a tick in the top box next to the First name heading. This will then select all juniors within the membership package.
Once selected, you then need to amend the view from 'Members' to 'Main Contacts'.
Select the email icon and the following overlay will appear:
Ensure you select 'Include unregistered' as there could be some main contacts who have not registered.
Emails can now be created in rich text format, allowing the you to use the text and layout design of your choice. You can also add an image into the email body, but please note, you cannot currently resize images, this enhancement will released in the future.
If an email recipient is not being picked up then this could be there is not a main contact assigned to the junior record. You can check this by selecting the junior record, this will open the membership summary, there are 3 tabs:
Payments is a summary of any payments received or outstanding.
Member Info will be the details of the junior.
Contact Details should display the details of the main contact. If the details are incorrect then you do have the option to change main contact.