Team Tournaments in Serve Tennis work slightly different than individual events. We have a series of guides available on how to create and run Team Tournaments.
First create your tournament as you would any tournament, by choosing the tournament level, dates, tournament director and payment channel. If you need assistance in creating the tournament, please use the following guide: Tournament Application . Once the tournament is created, you will be prompted to create the events.
Please note: You can choose levels 1-7 and unsanctioned for team events, Junior Circuit does not have the option to create team events, as there are no ranking points set for this.
To Add Team Events:
- Select Add Events
- Select Team Events as the event type
- Add event details
- Tick ON if the event will be a Dominant duo.
- Select Gender- You can only select one gender at a time (Women, Men, Mixed). To add multiple gender events save and then add another event.
- Age groups and Ball Color
- Enter Start and End dates and times
- Enter Price per player
- Player Selection
- Input number of players that can be selected on the draw. You can select No Limit by checking the box. If you add a number of players that can be selected to this event. It will allow more than '32' players to register. At player selection you will be able to select the players for the main draw and alternates.
- Input number of players that can be selected on the draw. You can select No Limit by checking the box. If you add a number of players that can be selected to this event. It will allow more than '32' players to register. At player selection you will be able to select the players for the main draw and alternates.
- Player Selection
- For Dominant Duo only, you will have the option to enter a number of teams or click no limit. Note if Dominant Duo is not ticked on in Event Details, this option will not be available.
- Select Sort details, Surface type, and Indoor/outdoor facility type.
- Select Draw type. Selection available are based on those approved for level/section.
- Repeat the steps above to add more Team events.
- To Submit the Tournament Application, complete all checklist items. Here is a guide to assist: Tournament Application Checklist.
You may now submit your application for approval.
Note: With the exception of Dominant Duo, there is ability to limit capacity in Team Events since you will complete player selections within Tournament Desk.