To email you junior contacts navigate to the 'Contacts' module on the left-hand side of your admin page.
Please be aware that: Pursuant to the USTA Safe Play Policy, all e-mails sent from you to one or more minor athletes must copy either the minor athlete(s) parent / guardian or another Safe Play Approved adult in your program or tournament committee (you can confirm that HERE). Please note that all email communications sent to minor athletes through this platform will be monitored by the USTA Safe Play office.
The Serve Tennis system will do this for you, the email will be sent to the linked parent/guardian of that account.
Step 1: Filter for juniors on the 'Junior' column in the contacts module and place a tick next to the juniors you wish to email, or place a tick in the top tick box next to the Unique ID field to select all.
Step 2: Then select the envelope icon:
Step 3: Check recipients.
- The recipients will be the email addresses of the main contacts assigned to the junior contact record.
- If no recipient appears then check if there is a parent / guardian assigned to the account. You can link a parent/guardian to the account following this guide: Adding a Main Contact to a Junior Contact
Step 4: Complete email and click Send. See this guide for more help with sending emails: Emailing Contacts
Note: When emailing junior contacts from within a membership package, you need to ensure that you change the selection from 'Members' to 'Main Contacts'.